Pockets that Make Your Life Easier
We’ve all been there. You’re in a rush. You toss your keys into your bag. By the time you get to your door, they’ve mysteriously vanished into the abyss. A bag without pockets is like a fridge without shelves. Plenty of space, but nowhere to put things.
That’s why we design our bags not just to be big enough to carry everything you need, but keep it all in perfect order. Every Troubadour bag has plenty of carefully thought-out pockets. So you can always put your finger on whatever it is you’re looking for – your keys, your phone, your passport, your anything.

We start by thinking about how you’re actually going to use them in real life. Where will you be going? What will you be carrying? What will you need to keep handy? What will you need to keep tucked away safely
That’s why our bags have elasticated pockets for your pens, zipped ones for your valuables, and padded ones for your laptop or tablet.

There are discreet outside pockets, for those things you need to be able to find quickly –perfect for a smooth run through an airport or station. And there are ample pockets and separate sections on the inside, to keep everything in order.
So you can always be confident that everything will be just where you packed it. And you’ll never know the panic of rifling through your bag for your this, that or the other ever again.